Created 25 Jul 2023. Last updated 19 Dec 2024
Developing the Axioms
tl;dr: A journey from the ground up in which we use axioms to build a proof that every positive integer can be uniquely prime factored.
This is part 1, where we develop the basic axioms of the integers and some definitions. In general, the level of rigor will decrease as the parts go on, so that the reader doesn't get bored to death. But it should be obvious how to fill out everything with complete rigor. Here is a glossary of math symbols.
Axioms as Properties
¶Over the integers, we need a set of reduced axioms from which all the known theorems can be derived using the rules of logical inference. Reduced meaning that if an axiom can be proven using other axioms, then it should not be an axiom. And philosophically, our axioms should be as simple as possible. The modern approach to axiomatic proof is for our list of axioms to be the properties that we want our system to have; but, it's not clear what these fundamental properties of the integers should be.
For example, it is well known that if a prime divides a product, then it divides one of the constituents (Euclid's Lemma). Should this be one of our fundamental properties? It certainly feels "obvious", in the sense that proving it would not get you any extra points on an olympiad question. But does it follow from some other fundamental properties? How do you even define prime? In my experience, people often try to justify Euclid's lemma by using prime factorization. The problem with this is that it feels backwards - the fact that every integer can be uniquely prime factorized is an extremely powerful result (hence the name fundamental theorem of arithmetic (FTA)), and so using it feels like overkill and may even be circular reasoning.
We could have FTA as an axiom. But if we can prove it from simpler axioms, then why bother?
How deep do we go?
¶At some point, we need to stop our search for rigor - otherwise we will get too far out of the math world and into philosophy. For example, what does it mean for two things to be equal? And so, we will assume some basic notions:
- Equality is reflexive (), symmetric ( means ) and transitive (if and then )
- If then we may substitute for and vice versa, in any expression containing them
- Properties of logic and basic set theory
- Order of operations
Basic properties
¶We are working with the integers (whole numbers, ) and naturals (positive whole numbers, ), under two basic operations: addition and multiplication (). More technically, it is an underlying assumption that is closed under two well-defined binary operations , i.e. that adding or multiplying two integers always gives an integer. (This is not the case for division!)
Let's add the first items to our "inventory" of fundamental properties2.
- Commutativity: the order of multiplication and addition does not matter. In symbols:
- Associativity: in repeated addition or multiplication, the brackets do not matter. In symbols:
- Distributivity: multiplication is distributive over addition. In symbols:
I hope you agree that these properties seem pretty fundamental. Let's add some more:
- Additive Identity: there exists an integer we call , which when added to any integer, does nothing:
- Additive Inverse: for every integer , there is another integer that when added to , gives 0.
- Multiplicative Identity: there exists an integer we call , which when multiplying by any integer, does nothing:
Note that we don't have multiplicative inverses, because then we would have to include reciprocals of integers.
Furthermore, we can use the commutative property to extend some of the above axioms:
- Distributivity: As well as , we also have
- Additive identity: instead of just
- Additive inverse: instead of just
- Multiplicative identity: instead of just
If we don't do this then whenever we cite these axioms, we would have to remember the way round we wrote it, which is utter hell.
¶We haven't explicitly stated that 0 (the additive identity), 1 (the multiplicative identity) and additive inverses are unique. Again, this feels intuitive - if a+b = a, then b=0, right? And -1 is the additive inverse of 1, right? Maybe we should add uniqueness as an axiom.
Actually, we can prove it from what we already have. I encourage you to try and do so. unique, i.e. the only additive identity of .
Proof.Suppose that and are two additive identities of . We will show that .
Note that , by +ive id.
But also , by +ive id.
Thus , so , as required.
The proof for the uniqueness of is completely analogous, so it is left to the reader.
Claim.Additive inverses are unique.
Proof.Let be an arbitrary integer. Let be two additive inverses of a. We will show that .
Consider .
One one hand:
by +ive inv.
by +ive id.
On the other hand:
by assoc.
by comm.
by assoc.
by +ive inv.
by +ive id.
Thus, , so , as required.
Now we can introduce negative signs as the way to refer an integer's unique additive inverse: for each integer , we denote its unique additive inverse as . Then, we can define to be shorthand for , which is a nice way to avoid having to define subtraction as another operation.
Ordering of Z
¶What we have so far is good, but we need more. For example we haven't axiomatized the naturals yet, and what about proof techniques?
- Z is ordered: There exists a non-empty subset of that is closed under and satisfies Trichotomy: for all , exactly one of is true1.
- Well-ordering principle: Every non-empty subset of the integers has a least element, defined as an element of the subset such that for all elements of the subset, .
The importance of the well-ordering principle3 cannot be understated, because it will let us finish off proofs by assuming minimality and showing a contradiction (i.e. infinite descent).
¶Let's make a list of things we'll probably need to explicitly define if we want to have hope of proving FTA:
- divisibility and primality
- inequalities, notion of positive/negative
- common divisors, gcd and lcm (greatest common divisor, lowest common multiple)
So, let's try to define these rigorously.
Defn.Let .
("a divides b", "b is divisible by a") if and only if ("iff") . Then is a "factor" or "divisor" of and is a "multiple" of .
is shorthand for .
iff .
iff .
iff or .
iff .
iff and ; in this case is "strictly between" and . Vice versa for .
is positive iff , and "negative" iff .
is prime iff for all ways of writing with , exactly one of is 1 or -1.
is a gcd of if for all common divisors of , .
is a lcm of if for all common multiples of ,
Note: in the definition of prime, mathematicians like to define another thing called a unit, which is a factor of 1; in the case of the integers, the only factors of 1 are 1 and -1 (why?).
Also, for the sake of brevity, we will skip the proofs that gcds and lcms exist and are unique, and that all common divisors divide the greatest common divisor (left as an exercise). Thus we can refer to the unique gcd of as or , and the unique lcm of as or .
Structuring logic, building lemmas
¶So, what's the point of all these axioms and definitions? It means we can start to inch towards our goal by building lemmas. For example:
Proof.Let be an arbitrary integer.
by +ive id.
by dist.
The left hand side equals , by +ive inv.
The right hand side is:
by assoc.
by +ive inv.
by +ive id.
Therefore, equating the RHS and LHS, we obtain . Thus by comm., , as required.
Wow, that seemed tedious! But the point is, even though the fact that 0 times anything is 0 seems fundamental, we don't actually need it as an axiom, because we can prove it from the axioms we already have.
I will give one more lemma with full proof, so that you get the idea (referring to axioms at each step, etc). Then, I'll give the list of lemmas that can be built up, and the main ideas for how to prove them, but not the complete proofs.
Lemma.In , if then for any
Proof.Suppose . Let , we will show that .
for some
And, for some
by assoc.
by assoc.
by dist.
But is an integer because of closure, thus , namely . Thus by defn. of "divides", , as required.
Lemma List
¶Now for the list of lemmas that can be built up. To prevent circular reasoning, if lemma A is used to prove lemma B, then A will have a lower lemma number than B. Feel free to fill out the details of each proof (it's a good exercise!).
Lemma 1.
Proof.Follows from and uniqueness of +ive inv.
Lemma 2.
Proof.Forward direction is immediate, backwards direction follows from adding to both sides.
Lemma 3.
Proof.Consider ; it equals both and .
Lemma 4.If then
Proof.See above.
Lemma 5.
Proof.See above.
Lemma 6.
Proof.If then and are naturals by defn. of "". Thus is natural by closure, which simplifies and implies the result.
Lemma 7.
Proof.By Lemma 2, , which equals . So . Add to both sides for the result.
Lemma 8.
Proof.If then by defn of "". But , using Lemma 3 and +ive id.
Lemma 9.
Proof.Use Trichotomy and eliminate the other two cases by contradiction.
If , then since is nonempty, pick a natural , then we have (by *ive id. and Lemma 5) So is natural, which contradicts Trichotomy.
If is natural, then so is by closure, but by Lemma 7 and Lemma 1. So -1 and 1 are both natural, contradicting Trichotomy.
Lemma 10.
Proof.Use Lemma 7 and Lemma 1:
Lemma 11.
Proof.Follows from Lemma 7, and that .
Lemma 12., if then
Proof.Use Trichotomy.
If , then by Lemma 2, so is natural, contradicting Trichotomy.
If then after applying Lemma 7 (and basic axioms) we get that , contradicting Trichotomy.
Lemma 13.and
Proof.If then and so by Lemma 8 and closure, . This can be rearranged to , implying the result.
Lemma 14.There are no integers strictly between and .
Proof.Suppose there is an integer between and . By Lemma 8, , and so by the well-ordering principle, let be the smallest such integer. More precisely, we are considering the set .
Now, (Lemma 13) and so is a smaller element of the set, contradiction.
Lemma 15.Exactly one of is true.
Proof.Trichotomy on .
Lemma 16.Exactly one of is true.
Proof.Follows from Lemma 15.
Lemma 17.
Proof.Forward direction: suppose is true and is false, we will show a contradiction. By Lemma 16, we have . But also by Lemma 8 so a is an integer strictly between and , contradicting Lemma 14.
Backward direction: suppose , then or . If then Lemma 9 finishes. If then since (Lemma 9), we have (Lemma 8), so , so (Lemma 3), then Lemma 8 to finish.
Lemma 18.
Forward direction:
- First case: if then , thus so is by Lemma 9 and Closure. This can be rewritten as , which implies the result by defn. of "".
- Second case: if , then by Lemma 9, , which equals , and so . Substitue for the result.
Backward direction: suppose .
- Then , which can be rearranged to , so .
- We must have , because if not, then by Lemma 16 so (Lemma 8) so is an integer strictly between and , contradicting Lemma 14.
Lemma 19.
Proof.Write .
Note that ; else we would have (Lemma 16) and so with (Lemma 12), so (Lemma 8) contradicting Lemma 14.
Thus or and we can multiply both sides of the inequality by (Lemma 13) to deduce the result.
Lemma 20., if then
Proof.First note that we can't appeal to uniqueness of the multiplicative inverse, because is fixed. So suppose , we'll show a contradiction.
(Lemma 17 and defn. of "")
(defn. of "" and Lemma 13)
So , so , contradicting Trichotomy.
Phew, that was a lot of lemmas! But I hope you agree they're all very fundamental.
In the next part, we'll look at proving our first important theorem - the division algorithm.
I'm gonna skip over the whole "is 0 a natural number" thing. ↩
These six properties come from the fact that is a ring (mathematical structure). ↩
The well-ordering principle is actually equivalent to induction! ↩