Created 27 Jul 2023
Proving Euclid's Lemma
tl;dr: A journey from the ground up in which we use axioms to build a proof that every positive integer can be uniquely prime factored.
This is part 4, where we use what we have so far to finally prove Euclid's Lemma (technically, the generalized version). In general, the level of rigor will decrease as the parts go on, so that the reader doesn't get bored to death. But it should be obvious how to fill out everything with complete rigor. Here is a glossary of math symbols.
What? It's... argh!
¶Ask anyone to prove this:
If is divisible by , then so is .
I bet that almost everyone would attempt to use prime factorization: "in the prime factorization of , there must be a 3. But 2 is a prime, thus the 3 must occur in the prime factorization of ."
Ok... but we're trying to prove prime factorization, so we can't use it!
Actually, we can do something smart in this case: if , then . But , therefore , by Lemma 4 in part 1 (i.e. that if then divides any linear combination of and ). In other words, if is divisible by 3 then so is , therefore so is .
Now ask them to prove the generalized version:
If and , then .
Here's where most people would really like to appeal to prime factorization: "the set of prime factors of b must be completely different to the set of prime factors of a, else they would share a common factor. So in the prime factorization of bc, removing the factorization of b will not affect any primes that divide a. So a divides c."
So, how do we prove this using only the things we've built out of axioms?
We can actually generalize the trick from before!
In the "if then " case, the trick was to write 1 (the desired coefficient of ) as a linear combination of 2 and 3:
And this let us deduce that if , then because both and are divisible by 3.
Let's try with a different pair of numbers.
If , does ?
TRICK: Try to write 1 as a linear combination of 51 and 28. But we know we can do this, by Bezout's Lemma, which we proved in the last part! To find a concrete solution, use the magic box (see the last part if you are unfamiliar):
1 1 4 1 1 2 0 1 1 2 9 11 20 51 1 0 1 1 5 6 11 28 So, . Now to use the trick:
Hence, if , then , because we wrote as a linear combination of things that were divisible by 51.
I think we're ready to generalize now.
Proposition.If and , then . True in .
Proof.Suppose and .
Then by Bezout's Lemma, there exist integers such that .
Hence, .
Since and , we have that , so , as required.
Nice - surprisingly simple proof, right?
The actual Euclid's Lemma
¶Actually, Euclid's Lemma states that if is a prime and (where are two integers), then or . But what we've already proved is pretty much a generalized version of this: the only extra thing we need to prove is that if doesn't divide , then . But this is true by definition of prime - if then has a factor that isn't or (namely, this factor is ); contradiction.