
Created 27 Jul 2023. Last updated 19 Dec 2024

The Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic: Our Journey's End

tl;dr: A journey from the ground up in which we use axioms to build a proof that every positive integer can be uniquely prime factored.

This is part 5, where we stand on what we've built from axioms so far, and finally prove the fundamental theorem of arithmetic (technically, the generalized version). In general, the level of rigor will decrease as the parts go on, so that the reader doesn't get bored to death. But it should be obvious how to fill out everything with complete rigor. Here is a glossary of math symbols.

Existence of a prime factorization

Armed with everything we've done so far, we're ready to prove that every integer greater than 1 can be uniquely written as a product of positive primes.

Intitively, we want to be able to use induction: if nn is prime we're done, and if it's not then n=abn = ab with a,b<na,b \lt n - but by inductive hypothesis, aa and bb can both be written as a product of primes, thus abab is a product of primes.

We can flip this to use the well-ordering principle, because I think it's nicer (and we haven't actually proved that induction works).


Every integer greater than 1 is a prime or a product of positive primes.


Suppose not, we will show a contradiction.

Then the set {nNn>1\{n \in \mathbb{N} \mid n\gt 1 and nn is not prime or a product of positive primes}\} is nonempty. But this set is also a subset of N\mathbb{N}, by definition. Hence by the well-ordering principle, it has a least element, say ee. Then e>1e \gt 1 and ee is not prime of a product of positive primes.

Since ee is not prime, there exist integers a,ba,b such that e=abe = ab and 1<ab<n1 \lt a \leq b \lt n.1

Now, because ee is minimal, aa and bb must both be positive primes or a product of positive primes (else they would be in the set). Hence we can write a=p1p2pka = p_1 p_2\cdots p_k and b=q1q2qjb = q_1 q_2\cdots q_j where these are all positive primes.

But, then e=ab=(p1p2pk)(q1q2qj)e = ab = (p_1p_2\cdots p_k)(q_1q_2\cdots q_j), thus ee is a product of positive primes, contradiction.


So, we've shown that every integer greater than 1 can be factored into positive primes.

But can we show that it can be factored in only one way (up to permutation) ? This is where we need to use what we've built up (i.e. Euclid's Lemma).

Let's try using minimality again.

If there's an integer that has two distinct factorizations, then take the minimal example, use Euclid's Lemma to cancel a common prime factor from both factorizations to obtain a smaller example, and we have a contradiction.

Theorem. (Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic)

Every integer greater than 1 can be factored into positive primes in exactly one way, up to permutations.


First, note that we showed every integer greater than 1 can be factored into positive primes.

Suppose there is an integer greater than 1 with two distinct factorizations. Then the set of natural numbers greater than 1 with two distinct factorizations is nonempty, so by the well-ordering principle, the set has a least element, say ee.

Write e=p1p2pk=q1q2qje = p_1 p_2 \cdots p_k = q_1 q_2 \cdots q_j as two distinct factorizations of ee (up to permutation).

Note that k>1k \gt 1, else e=p1e = p_1 and j=1j=1 (since a prime cannot have two prime factors) so e=p1=q1e = p_1 = q_1 and the factorizations would be the same. Similarly j>1j \gt 1.

Then, p1p_1 divides q1qjq_1 \cdots q_j, so by Euclid's Lemma, p1p_1 divides some qiq_i 2, say qnq_n. Without loss of generality (because of permutation), let n=1n = 1. Since q1q_1 is prime, we have that q1=p1q_1 = p_1.

Thus, we may cancel3 this common prime factor from both factorizations to obtain

p2pk=q2qjp_2 \cdots p_k = q_2 \cdots q_j

which are two distinct factorizations of an integer that is strictly smaller than ee.

Also recall that k>1k \gt 1 and j>1j \gt 1, thus this new integer is bigger than 1. This contradicts the minimality of ee, and we are done.

Woop woop, we've finally proved the fundamental theorem of arithmetic! To recap, our path to the proof was:

Division algorithm => Bezout's lemma => Euclid's lemma => FTA

Do you think you can remember it all?

  1. Proof: not prime and >1>1 means there is a factorization with neither being ±1\pm 1

  2. We could do this more rigorously, but essentially p1q1(q2qj)    p1q1p_1 \mid q_1(q_2\cdots q_j) \implies p_1 \mid q_1 or p1q2q3qjp_1 \mid q_2q_3 \cdots q_j, and so on. Have a go at proving this rigorously with the well-ordering principle (with jj fixed) if you want. 

  3. Why can we cancel? We need to prove the lemma that if ac=bcac = bc, then a=ba = b (true for all a,b,cZ,c0a,b,c \in \mathbb{Z}, c \neq 0). But this is doable, because if ac=bcac = bc, then c(ab)=0c(a-b) = 0, so c=0c=0 or ab=0a-b=0, so a=ba=b