
Created 14 Jul 2023

Associated Permutations of Complete Non-Ambiguous Trees

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Not much on this page, I just needed somewhere to note down a seemingly magical but random conjecture that we felt wasn't relevant enough to make it into the final paper.


Let h(n,k)h(n,k) be the number of Prufer sequences ending in kk that represent a tree whose adjacency matrix is a valid CNAT of size nn. Then:

h(n,k)={(n1)!k(k+1)if 1k<n10if k=n1(n2)!if k=nh(n,k) = \begin{cases} \frac{(n-1)!}{k(k+1)} & \text{if } 1\leq k < n-1\\0 & \text{if } k=n-1\\(n-2)! & \text{if } k=n \end{cases}

We were only able to prove the last two cases.